31h – Photo Poetry Diary31h – Diario Fotopoetico

13 Settembre 2011 | Posted in Top Story | By Zanghel
31 days of honeymoon
for each day one haiku to remember my feelings
back home link them with the photos my wife took
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Per portarmi a casa impressioni e ricordi e poterle esteriorizzare per condividerle con gli altri ho deciso di utilizzare l’affilata lama a doppio taglio degli haiku.
Durante il viaggio di nozze per ogni giorno ho scritto un haiku, cercando di sintetizzare le mie impressioni e di lasciare dietro di me come una mappa di pensieri e desideri. Oggi questi haiku sono stati raccolti e accompagnati dalle belle foto fatte da mia moglie.
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MP4 (Baseline)
Spero di riuscire a convincere le abili mani di artista che ora albergano in casa a rendere questo storyboard ancora più espressivo, per cui unitevi al mio desiderio ed aspettatevi una versione “2.0”.
… ccv
Site Upgrade StartedE’ iniziato l’aggiornamento del sito
7 Agosto 2011 | Posted in Top Story | By Zanghel
Zanghel.com is under a major upgrade, i am adding quite a bit of content covering some material i wanted to publish for long time: some of my hobby projects, something of my professional life and something more.
… even if the first upgrade was a functional one: i just added the multilanguage feature, as you can see by the two new buttons at the top of the right sidebar.
You can try it right on this post and on the info page.
Approfittando della calma agostana Zanghel.com si dedica ad un aggiornamento.
Dopo aver riordinato un po’ i miei archivi ho organizzato del materiale che mi sono sempre ripromesso di pubblicare ma che non ho mai trovato il tempo di fare: un po’ di progetti sviluppati nel tempo e poi a mal ragione dimeticati.
La prima aggiunta è però puramente funzionale: ora il sito supporta multiple lingue, che nel nostro caso si riduco solo a due.
Potete provarlo su questo post e sulla pagina “Info”, usando i link in alto sulla barra laterale destra.
Devo dire però che l’idea di scrivere due volte ogni contenuto un po’ mi spaventa; lo prenderò come un esercizio di stile.
Taming the beast [iPad2 adventures – part 3]

23 Luglio 2011 | Posted in Top Story | By Zanghel
Now i can say it: most of the problems i had using RC were caused simply by my ignorance. Actually i now understand that i was not even able to recognize what the real problema were; that’s becoming clearer now.
These are my main achievements that lead me to a correct use of RC:
– how to use the screen keyboard
– learn the relationship beetween RC and iTunes. This means also understand how sync and backup work.
– gain confidence with the UI. Tell me what you want, even that apple’s interfaces are the most user-friendly: for someone that has used win/unix devices for most of his life any other UI is newer, needs practice and you need some time to gain a proficiency level comparable with the one you have with the known systems.
– re-learn the basics, like copy and paste
With these new powers i learned what RC is: a new type of device, the ultimate terminal you can carry always with you, with a long lasting battery life, really fast boot time. This last thing is a great improvement coming from the use of laptops and netbooks: “really fast boot time” means zero seconds and this is often the difference beetween choosing to use your portable device or not use it.
What i can’t really suffer is that the main cons of using an iPad are caused mainly by limits introduced as non-features:
– no usb. Why not? Why i must do a multi file transfer to move a simple file from my portable drive to my iPad
– no flash. I do not even want to comment this.
I think that with this post the first and useless part of my commentary ends: i hope to’ come to you with useful news about the real use of Randolph Carter and its relationship with my other devices.